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Churchill ephemera arrives unexpectedly Churchill ephemera arrives unexpectedlyWinston Churchill's rods arrive unexpectedly at River Reads, as well as some interesting old glass photographic plates.


River Monsters Book Signing River Monsters Book SigningWe were delighted that, on 3rd December 2011 Jeremy Wade, supported by River Reads bookshop, organised a book signing at the shop. £1 from every signature was donated to Angling Heritage together with proceeds from a screening of an episode of River Monsters at the Plough Arts Centre in Torrington.Read more...

Rods on Display Rods on DisplayAngling Heritage have been loaned or donated some highly historical rods. As the Torrington Museum is now in transit from the Town Hall (due to dry rot) to its new base, we decided to make a display of the rods available for all to see in River Reads bookshop in Torrington, Devon. No purchase is required, just go and have a look, and enjoy seeing the display together with a host of other ephemera.Read more...

The Making of a Catalogue The Making of a CatalogueWe have been fortunate to be contacted by Stephen Morris, a Graphic Designer who worked with the tackle trade for many years. He wondered if we would be interested in the range of catalogues that his agency had been heavily involved in producing, together with a selection of 'mock ups' for early catalogues.

River Reads purchased the items which proved to be a fascinating part of angling history, so we asked Steven if he would be kind enough to write a short article on his career for our Angling Heritage website.

Pioneers of Winter Carp Fishing Pioneers of Winter Carp FishingWhilst most people remember Walker, Taylor and the Carp Catchers Club, few know of the next generation who built on the foundations to make carp fishing what it is today. Men such as Gerry Savage and Fred Wilton who pioneered winter carp fishing.Read more...

Record Greater Amberjack Record Greater AmberjackThe amberjack caught off Lundy in 2009 is ratified as a British Record fish. Read the original story and updateRead more...

Des Taylor become a Trustee Des Taylor becomes a TrusteeIt is with great pleasure that we can announce that Des Taylor, one of the modern angling icons has agreed to become a Trustee of Angling Heritage UK.Read more...

Gerry Savage Ephemera Gerry Savage EphemeraAngling Heritage have received Gerry Savage ephemera from his familyRead more...

Captain Tommy Edwards Captain Tommy EdwardsBarrie Welham, former casting champion, Director of KP Morritt's (Intrepid), MD of Garcia Mitchell, Leeda and now Ambassador for Orvis visited River Reads recently and we had a chance to talk about his mentor; Captain Tommy Edwards, one of anglings' greatest characters.Read more...

Life and Death of 'Our Unity' Life and Death of 'Our Unity'The iconic fishing boat 'Our Unity' has been scrapped. Read about its history and sad demise.Read more...

Fred Buller's Investiture Fred Buller's InvestitureIn the January New Year's Honours' List, Frederick Buller received an MBE for services to angling literature. His investiture was arranged for May and we were honoured to be invited.Read more...

Walker on Desert Island Discs Walker on Desert Island DiscsRichard Walker was the only guest on the long running radio show to be invited due of his angling prowess

Walker in the Media Richard Walker in the MediaRichard Walker was THE angling figure of the 20th Century. This article highlights his media appearances.Read more...

The Birth of a Rod The Birth of a RodThe Birth of a Rod - tells of how the world's first carbon fibre rod was produced and its history sinceRead more...

Barrie Rickard's Memorial Service Barrie Rickards' Memorial ServiceWe were honoured to be asked to attend the funeral of Barrie Rickards, one of the iconic angling figures of the 20th century. A man we had only got to know in the last couple of years`but we greatly respected, and managed to record him talking with Des Taylor about his life and times only a few months previously for Recollections II which will preserve his knowledge, character and humour for posterity.Read more...

Angling Postmarks of the World Angling Postmarks of the WorldRead more...

Hatton of Hereford lettter from 1971 Hatton of Hereford lettter from 1971This Hatton of Hereford letter from 20th February 1971 make a fascinating insight into the changing nature of the business of running a fishing tackle shop in that period.Read more...

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