Festival of Britain Angling ContestRead more... |
AHE Wood - Aspects of his life unknown by many anglers This article was prompted by an old album in which the only identifiable photo was of a “Mr A H E Wood” in a 1902 Daimler. Wood turned out to have been well known to many people but in different aspects of his obsessions - it turned out no-one had previously tried to pull together the many sides of this unusual man.
Aldeburgh Yachts Club’s archive, for instance, says their first Commodore was “rumoured to have written a book about fishing”…! Yes indeed. The expert on AHEW’s fishing career is Dr Andrew Herd, author of the Flyfishers’ Club’s remarkable book (see below).
The following text was first published in The Driving Member (monthly of the Daimler & Lanchester Owners’ Club) Vol 57 No 11, April 2021 pp24-28 - hence the many references to Daimlers. Since then much interesting data and many photos have emerged, from AHEW’s many descendants and elsewhere, including his rather scandalous will.
The Chamberlain Archive at Birmingham University has interesting photos of Wood with Neville Chamberlain but is unable to provide really sharp scans or photos. If a reader near Birmingham is able to do this I’d be most grateful. Read more... |
A Tribute to Pat RussellWhilst everyone had heard of Walker and Taylor in the 1950's and onwards, but there were also a small group of anglers who fished with them who contributed to the growing pool of knowledge about angling, particularly specimen hunting, without having the level of press coverage. This article is a tribute to one of them, Pat Russell, written by his son ShaunRead more... |
Richard Walker and the capture of Clarissa, the 44lbs carpThe story of the record capture 69 years on by Chris BallRead more... |
List of Sturgeon catches in UK watersKeith, our archivist, has been creating an all-inclusive database of sturgeon caught in UK watersRead more... |
Terry Lampard by Chris ParisThis article written by Chris Paris appeared in Terry's book Last Cast which was completed after his death. We have been allowed to use it by kind permission of Chris and Tim Norman who completed the bookRead more... |
The Crucian Carp by Peter RolfePeter Rolfe kindly allowed us to add a chapter of his book "One Last Cast" to show the progress of Crucian Carp in the UK and struggles elsewhere.Read more... |
The Angling Heritage "National Fishing Hat Collection"Read more... |
Childhood Days by Paul WalkerRead more... |
A Passion for Angling - How it Came AboutThis article explains the lead up to legendary film maker Hugh Miles producing the iconic angling programme.Read more... |
Mr. Crabtree's 70th Birthdayit is 70 years since the legendary book was printedRead more... |
Ten Years of Angling HeritageIt is ten years since Angling Heritage was formed, a celebration shared in Angler's MailRead more... |
The latest information on Mako Shark capturesThis information was produced by David Turner and Ian Harbage who worked tirelessly together. Unfortunately David passed on and was unable to continue his work. However, Ian has pulled it together which is presented in memory of David who was a shark fanatic and did catch is Mako. We hope that this, coupled with the articles will arouse your enthusiasm in the species and support their preservation.Read more... |
The First Mako Shark CaptureThe true tale of the first Mako shark capture.Read more... |
When you least expect a Mako SharkSometimes you can try too hard to catch your first mako shark.Read more... |
Lightning can strike twiceSome people try all their lives for their first Mako Shark, but others have caught the impossible, two of them!Read more... |
The Making of "A Passion for Angling"This tells the story of the production of the best angling programme of the 20th century.Read more... |
The Making of "Mr. Crabtree Goes Fishing"This is the story behind how the classic angling book from the 1940's was producedRead more... |
The National Fishing Hat CollectionThe story of how a quirky collection has developedRead more... |
Rod history through the Angling Heritage collectionThis article gives a potted history of rod development based on the Angling Heritage display at Torrington MuseumRead more... |