This information has been gleaned from three handbooks of 1985/6 2002/03 and 2012/13. If you have any additional information we would be glad to hear from you.
The waters controlled in the 1985/86 season included:-
Clive vale Reservoirs; Ecclesbourne Reservoir; River Brede
waters at Brede Bridge, Snailham, Winchelsea, Padgham’s Sewer, Newhouse Sewer,
Cooper’s Water and App’s Field; River Rother water at Blackwell Bridge,
Upstream on Sussek Side and Otter Channel, Jury’s Gap Sewer; Upeer Brede.
By 2002/03. The
waters controlled had changed to those below:-

The club records for the year also stood at:-

By 2102-12 The club no longer fished Billingham
Lake, Scotney Court Sewer but had
gained extra access for anglers at Point Field Pit, The River Brede at Brede Bridge.

The club record fish had not changed over this period.