We have been donated a wealth of correspondence by Charles Kirkhan of the Bucks Specimen Hunters Group about the formation of the NASG in 1965 with Eric Hodson of the Northern Specimen Hunters Group being the key player assisted by Peter Butler of the London Specimen Hunters Club. Barrie Rickatrds was also involved from the outset.
Initially there were very few affiliated groups, the ones listed were the Barbel Catchers Club, The Birmingham Specimen Hunters Group, the Bucks Specimen Hunters Group, Cheshire Naturalist Anglers, Hendon Specimen Hunters Group, Kent Specimen Group and the London Specimen Hunters Club. We have minutes of the first year Conferences and Executive Meetings, but don't have much past that.
We do know that Des Talyor became Secretary and it later changed its name to National Association of Specialist Anglers (NASA)
If you have any additional information we would be delighted to hear from you.