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Wayne Comben on Sharks and his Thresher Shark CaptureWayne Comben is one of the most successful shark fishermen in the UK catching big fish of all species, and also about his recent thresher shark capture. (2013) |
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Wayne Thomas on Mullet FishingPhill Williams talks to North Devon angler and journalist Wayne Thomas about fishing for one of the UK's most sporting sea fish - the mullet (2017) |
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Welham, Barrie - InterviewBarrie Welham is a multi facetted individual. He was a prodigious tournament caster setting many records having been taught by Tommy Edwards, hardy casting tutor of repute. He went on to work for K P Morritt (known too many as Intrepid) before running British Fly reels and founding the Mitchell business in the UK. Barrie tells his potted life history and how he came to use the Garcia name even though there was no formal link to the company in the USA. You can learn a great deal about the history of British reel manufacturing as well as Barrie’s life by listening to this recording.
(2011) |
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Welsh Sharking with Andrew AlsopAndrew Allsop of Whitewater Charters has pioneered sharking out of Milford Haven, now one of the top UK marks. Here he talks to Phill Williams who donated this podcast.
(2011) |
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Wendy Patchett, Lady International Fly Fisher, and CaptainWndy Patchett, an England International Fly Fisher, Team Captain and now Administrator talks about her life fishing and discusses with Phill Williams why there aren't enough lady fly fishers. (2014) |
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Why use a UK Guide - Mick RodenMany anglers use guides overseas, but UK guides offer a similar service to help on new waters and improve your techniques making a day out more enjoyable and more productive. (2011) |
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William Hardy interviewed by Graham Swanson on rod manufactureGraham Swanson interviews William Hardy, of Hardy's fishing tackle fame about rod manufacture down the ages from their origins. This recording was done on a Dictaphone and is poor quality (it was recorded in 1981 and is 34 years old!) but the information discussed is fascinating and definitely worth preserving and listening too. |
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World Champion Match Fisherman - Ian HeapsIan Heaps was an England international for many years winning the world championship, and now runs an angling school. Here he talks to Phill Williams about his life and times. (2011) |
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Worming for Salmon with Bill BriggsBill Briggs is an acknowledged expert in the art of upstream white water worming for salmon. Here he talks about his technique and life with Phill Wiiliams who donated this podcast. (2012) |
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Wye Salmon Association with Stuart SmithThe Wye Salmon Association was formed to give a boost in the stocks of salmon in the Wye by rearing fish to the smolt stage before releasing them into the river. Stuart Smith talks about this work, and how he sees it as complimentary to the habitat improvement being undertaken by the Wye and Usk Foundation. He also talks about the programme being developed to get people back onto the river and familiar with river life. (2013) |
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Yates, Chris - Interview with MattPenguin arranged for this interview to be made to aide the launch of Chris’s Book “Out of the Blue”. This was a seismic shift for many readers as Chris is known for his coarse fishing exploits. This interview sets the scene and explains Chris’s love of the sea.
(2008) |
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Yates, Chris - Interview with Wayne ThomasBefore the book signing at River Reads to launch “Out of the Blue”, local reporter and angler Wayne Thomas interviewed Chris at length about his works. This gives a broader insight into one of the most famous anglers and arguably best author of the period. (2008) |
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Zyg Gregorek Welcomes You to Angler's ParadiseZyg Gregorek founded Angler's Paradise in the 1980's breeding ornamental fisheries, and opened a fishery which has grown over the years and is now one of the recognised holiday fishing destinations in the UK. (2011) |
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